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Well, you've found yourself at the history of Dort and Chad/Awesome. It's actually pretty interesting considering Dort was once called Nerd, and Chad didn't exist at that point. When I first started doodling Dort, he looked alot different. He was going to live in a city called Dort and was just going to have adventures in city life. After I got down the first little piece I hated it and abandoned the idea only to revamp it to what we have now. Here's that first discarded piece (though it shames me).

If you survived that traumatic experience and would like to move on, we can go to some sketches. Those are much more friendly and familiar. We'll concentrate on this first one for now. Done with pen during a rather boring School Meeting. I was sitting next to a friend (who's fan comic I'll put up at a later date) and he was upset that the character's don't have feet. That's what most of the notes all over the page mean. Other than that it's just me trying out different poses for the guys and different costumes.

Sorry that was so big, I don't know if it took a while to load. I made it as small as I could. Anyway, this next one is some more character sketches and is a bit of a spoiler. Run away! No, if you want to look it isn't that revealing. Just sort of give you an idea where they're going to end up after that spacial limbo. A lot of it's Chad's embarassed/ohmyutenashe'ssohot face. Then it's a few characters that will be coming in later.

So, that's all for now. I'd put in some stuff that's in my little sketchbook, but I don't have the right kind of scanner for that (cheap fax/copy/print/scanner). Enjoy!

© blackroseobsessed 2004
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This page last updated 02/26/05.