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Ok, this is the "about the author" page. I figured it was only fair to tell you a little about myself.

Let's see. First off, I currently have bright red hair and my favorite color is red, and the non-color thingy black. I love birds, and have two very noisy cockatiels. I also had chickens. 18, and I each had a name and I could tell them apart and I would read to them. I also love cats. I have a little kitten (even though he's a year old now he's still the baby) named Eli. All the other animals hate him. When he tries to cuddle with the dogs the just get up and walk away. The older cats (one of whom is 18 or 19) find him annoying, and of course the birds don't like him, he sees them as apetizing and they see him as a threat.

I'm really into anime and manga. My life pretty much revolves around that. My fave anime was Shojo Kakumei Utena (Revolutionary Girl Utena[Yay Shoujo-ai!]) and my fave manga is Gravitation (yay shonen-ai!). I make lame attempts to draw in the manga/anime style, but I'm not to good. Other manga's I like are Saiyuki, Immortal Rain (known in Japan as Meteor Methuselah) which more people need to read 'cause it's AWESOME, and Demon Diary. I used to watch Rurouni Kenshin and Yu Yu Hakusho, but now I've lost track of them because the channel that they were on took them off then put them back up at a very late hour. I gave up.

Another thing that I really like is music. I play the flute and am finally taking lessons again. It's a totally zen thing for me. I get out of my body when I'm playing. If I think too much when I play I mess up so it's a great excuse to stop using my brain! A friend found me music from Utena the other day and we printed it out and even though it's for piano I can still play it. It was really exciting and I'm working on perfecting that for her.

What else... I'm an aspiring writer. I wrote my first hundred twenty page story over my thirteenth year (at least I think I was thirteen). Now I write a lot of fanfics and some original short storys. I have one that I should be working on now ^^; Writing is another zen thing for me. There was a quote that I read once and it was like this, I don't remember it exactly, "If I'm not being pulled by the words I know something's wrong." I have it written down somewhere, I should really find it.

And you're probably wondering why I'm "blackroseobsessed" instead of "dortandchad" on my URL. Well, you see I didn't read the sign up properly or something and I didn't get that the name that I typed in would be my URL. I though it'd be more of a screen name. Heh heh ^^; or well! It's different and interesting, right?

Well, that's all I can think of for now. If you have any questions e-mail me here. And if you ever want to find me online, just Google "raynedark" or "blackroseobsessed". You'll get my stuff.
© blackroseobsessed 2004
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Page last updated 02/26/05